As time goes by and competing products and services become more and more similar, we begin to have only the brand identity and personality to assess for making final decisions.
The identity ends up being one of the most compelling, differentiating, and emotionally charging factors.
"Which option aligns with me best?"
It's no different when you think of yourself as a brand, that an employer invests in for productivity in their company. You are literally a brand. With features and benefits and personality.
And as more and more people have the options of more schooling, networking, blogging and so on, all candidates start to become similar.
But it will be your identity that can separate you from the pack. No one can be you.
I stopped turning identity on and off (me outside of work vs me at work) many years ago. And it has helped me considerably.
I'm me wherever I am; and that is something no one can compete with.
I strongly recommend focusing on your identity and using it to your advantage. It could just be your compelling, differentiating, and emotionally charging factor in a sea of sameness.